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Get everyone's feedback.

Hi everyone, now HungVB.Com has just made a page to receive comments and support a little about programming for everyone :D

This page I use completely from google, everyone, so there is no error or wrong information about the administrator, and I have added a code to send it directly to email. admin to respond to everyone's comments as quickly as possible, to have notifications for everyone's contributions :D

I also don't say much about the issue of people's comments on the article, but I have some simple suggestions like this for everyone.

First: if you find my article useful, please give me a share on facebook, twitter or anywhere.

Second: I have hidden the comment box, so it will be inconvenient for users when they do not understand a certain piece of code. So I will soon update the live chat frame on the blog so that I can help everyone as quickly as possible, or you can send comments on this page:


And when I receive any comments or questions from everyone, I will try to respond as soon as possible about your question.

Thank you everyone for your attention.
If people do not understand, you can comment or inbox HungZ.Me directly for support.

3 nhận xét:

  1. nice code :D

    please send me script form google.

    Trả lờiXóa
  2. cái này dùng script google phải không nhỉ :D, hồi xưa có làm để dăng bài lên blogger, nhưng k biết tùy biến code ntn để đăng tiêu đề nên thôi mình bỏ luôn :D.

    Trả lờiXóa
  3. amazing good job source code

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