Hi everyone, after a while developing a new blog specializing in programming topics VISUAL BASIC...
I have successfully registered a child GOOGLE ADSENSE, but with the help of SEO experts, to help the blog have stable visits, and 100% real users.
Indeed, this site is quite effective for those who are just starting out to make a blog or a website, to increase their rank, or to register a GOOGLE ADSENSE child in terms of traffic and search volume on GOOGLE.
To be honest, the domain hungvb.com has just been developed recently, not enough 6 months to be accepted by Mr. GOOGLE ADSENSE, but I have tried using the seo secret that many seoers have rumored to increase rank and stable traffic from before to this.
To increase the rank, there are many ways, but I think this way is quite good, only it takes a bit of effort to click on the link (exchanging for each other), but there is one more choice, the user must use facebook.com account to login to that page. And users can be blocked by the site administrator if they comment with vulgar words or destroy the seoer community.
Do you know what page I'm talking about, it's very interested in the SEO community, and every day this website has about 2-3 thousand link exchanges with users on this page, and the amount of traffic when Link exchange has a default duration of five minutes. So, the website will have a relatively good amount of traffic, but if you do not have enough 5000 points, you cannot post on this website, and you must visit the player link to earn points together. . :D
Well, hungvb.com doesn't talk much anymore, do you know the website: faceseo.vn? This website has a good number of users, and the traffic is quite ok :D, I just used it for 2 3 days today, I don't have to focus on using it much, but it only takes 20-30 minutes once, to visit the user page to earn enough post points to earn re-visits. :D
Everyone quickly use this website to increase the rank of your website / blog:
My Link : http://faceseo.vn/ursshare1292503191179818/login.html
Thank you everyone for your attention.
If people do not understand, you can comment or inbox HungZ.Me directly for support.
Chúc mừng bạn.
Trả lờiXóaCảm ơn bạn (y)
Xóakiếm được bn từ GA rồi bạn?
Trả lờiXóaHaha, GA die mấy rồi a :<, nó báo lượng truy cập không ổn định :<
Xóathanks, don't spam.
Trả lờiXóa